Love Fearlessly, Always!

Love is the Key that Fits the Lock to Your Heart

Nourish your soul with grateful, uplifting thoughts, and your heart will always be unlocked! No matter what your dating past may have put you through - peace and love are at your fingertips.
The power of positive thought attracts unimaginable wonders!
You are responsible for your own happiness; you are in control.
Take a deep breath, exhale all of the baggage from the past, and realize those hardships created the person you are today ~ a Masterpiece!
Humbly speaking, of course, we are all works in progress.

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Dos and Don’ts on the First Date

If you are having problems getting a second date, see if you’re making any of these common first date mistakes. . .

Pick a Good Location

It’s not too smart to have your first date in anyone’s living room. If they suggest you just “come over,” steer the date somewhere else. Somewhere you can grab a quick drink or coffee is ideal, especially if it’s within walking distance of other fun activities.

Don’t Allow Inappropriate Timing

Meet up at a reasonable hour. The first date is about getting to know each other.

Do Wear Something Nice

Dress appropriately. Being too revealing may suggest the wrong idea, so use our best judgment or ask a friend’s opinion. Don’t show up in messy sweatpants and a stained shirt – first impressions mean everything!

Get in the Right State of Mind

Be friendly, kind, and approachable. Relax. You’re here to have a good time, remember? If you are feeling off, or moody, the day of your date, it can happen, then simply reschedule the date. Try to go out at a time you can be emotionally present and project a happy attitude.

Don’t Get Hammered

Do we need to say more? Impose a two-drink maximum on yourself.

Don’t Forget There’s an Actual Person in Front of You

Don’t rattle on and on about yourself. Make sure that the conversation has equal give and take. There is nothing more unattractive than someone who is completely self-absorbed. Ask questions and listen to the answers.

INHALE the Present
EXHALE the Past
You Hold the Key to Unlock Your Heart

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They Locked It In

"After months of going out to bars & clubs with friends, looking to hopefully meet someone, I GAVE UP! The noise, the crowds, the tipsy fools - recipe for disaster for me! I decided to give online dating a try. Now, I won't pretend I found love overnight; I spoke to many people before I met Jane, but when we hit it off, we HIT IT OFF. She was genuine and up front about everything, as was I - we talked about what we both wanted from the get-go and it just flowed seamlessly. Thank you for allowing us the chance to meet!"

- Brad & Jane

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